Invited & Key Note Presentations from 2018 onwards
Algorithms and Dataveillance in Law Enforcement. DIGIT Research School Kickoff. 1st of December 2022
Making Data Matter. Digitalization of Welfare Conference, IT University Copenhagen. 28th of November 2022
Speculative Identities. Understanding the Politics of Contemporary Technologies. Liverpool University. 27th of October 2022
On Digital In/Security. Sapere Aude Seminar Series. NUPI & Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics. 29th of June 2022
Digital DNA. University of Southern Denmark, Center for War Studies, Section for International Politics. 28th of June 2022
Speculative Identities. AGOPOL Workshop. Oslo Met. 8th of April 2022.
Digital Technologies in Law Enforcement. Norwegian Crime Investigation Service, Nordic Police Departments for the protection of exposed individuals. 30th of March 2022
The rise of DNA as a biometric. Studying digital technologies in law enforcement. Stockholm University. Criminology Department 14th of March 2022
The Digitization of Security. CEDIC talks, The Norwegian Research School on Digitalization, Culture and Society (DIGIT), run by OsloMet, 24th of February 2022
Digitalisering av DNA. Hva står på spill? KRIPOS/NCIS halvdags-seminar. 30th of November 2021
Algorithmic Surveillance and In/Security. Sapere Aude Project. Centre for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding. NUPI., Invited Presentation. Warsaw, 7th of November 2021
Technology in Police Work. Key Note. Ljublijana Autumn School of Law and Technology., 21st of October 2021
Data og Personvern. Politiet, Domstoler og Rettsmedisin. Data and Data Protection. Police, Courts and Forensics. Presentation at Norway's Data Protection Commission.,6th of October 2021.
Big data & algorithms in the police. Becoming-with data analysis. Politihøgskolens forskningskonferanse 2021: Politiutdanning i nåtid, fortid og fremtid, Politihøgskolen, 7th of June 2021
Predictive policing beyond tools. When data, tools and humans meet. socialBridges conference. The near-future of AI: How will humans and AI interact in 5 years?, 23rd of April 2021
DNA i politiaribeid. Bioteknologirådet, Bioteknologidagen 2021, 21st of April 2021.
KI i domstoler og politiarbeid. Ombudets årskonferanse 2020 Kunstig intelligens i et likestillingsperspektiv, 29th of October 2020
Digitizing DNA - Lively data in the making of forensic evidence. Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, University of Oslo, 8th of April 2021
Predictive Policing. The Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies, Lund University, 30th of March 2021
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism – A conversation with Shoshana Zuboff. Special Event on Shoshana Zuboff’s bestseller “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism” and its release in Norwegian. The House of Literature, Oslo, Shoshana Zuboff in conversation with Mareile Kaufmann. Event organized by Spartacus publishing house and the Department of and Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law, UiO with the support of the Norwegian government’s Ytringsfrihetskommisjonen and Screen Cultures, UiO, 22nd of October 2020
The digitization of DNA evidence – What is at stake? DNA in police work. New methods. New challenges? Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board, 24th of September 2020
The life cycle of an algorithm: understanding relationships between humans and technology. Oslo Life Science Conference: Data & Society, University of Oslo, 13th of February 2020
Algorithms in Law Enforcement​. Official Opening of Domus Juridica, University of Oslo, 16th of January 2020
"Hacking". One of three speakers at "Concepts and Approaches to the Study of Digital Politics". e-Politics Initiative. Peace Research Institute Oslo, 23rd of September 2019
Hacking as a practice of disputing online surveillance. Weizenbaum Institute, Berlin, 11thJune 2019
Deviance and the Digital – Criminology in the Digitalized Era. Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology. NSfK´s 61st Research Seminar, Helsingør, 8th-10thMay 2019
Drone/Body – the Drone’s Power to Sense and Construct Emergencies. Key Note at the “DFF Drone Network”, Syddanske Universitet, 5th November 2018
Algorithms in Law Enforcement. Guest Lecture in the course “AI, Algorithms and Society”, BI Norwegian Business School, 14th of November 2018
Resilience, Emergencies and the Internet. Member of the Opening Roundtable "Resilience: interrogating the theory, EU policies and practice", International Affairs Institute (IAI), Rome, 9th of November 2018
Social media use and the 22nd of July. Key Note at “Sosiale Medier Når Terror Rammer”, Institutt for samfunnsforskning, 14th of March 2018
Presentations at Peer-reviewed Internationally Established Conferences (Selected)
Digital Criminology – future directions for an emerging field. Roundtable, EUROCRIM, Malaga, September 2022
Speculative Identities - The politics of DNA as biometric data. EUROCRIM, Malaga, September 2022
DNA – the quiet rise of new biometric infrastructures. EISA PEC, Athens, September 2022
Roundtable: The Molecularisation of Security, EISA PEC, Athens, September 2022
Confluences of Genetics and Digital Data in Security Settings. Panel coorganized with Matthias Wienroth and Rafaela Granja. EASST, The Politics of Technoscientific Futures. Madrid, July 2022
Measuring and Visualizing Bodies. With Maja Vestad. Nordic Research Council for Criminology. Annual Seminar. Iceland, Reykjavik, 2022
The Digitization of DNA in the Forensic Sciences. International Studies Association Annual Convention, Nashville/wordwide, 2022
Invited member at the event "Nosk oppgjør med teknologi gigantene" (Norway's debate and critique of Tech Giants) Group: Digital Policing. Oslo, 2022
Making DNA Matter. Good Relations. Practices and Methods in Unequal and Uncertain Worlds, Society for Social Studies of Science, Toronto/worldwide, 2021
Reassembling security through digital data practices. Discussant. Good Relations. Practices and Methods in Unequal and Uncertain Worlds, Society for Social Studies of Science, Toronto/worldwide, 2021
Hacking surveillance. Civic participation in the Datafied Society. Data Justice Lab, Cardiff University, 2021
"Predictive policing beyond tools. When data, tools and humans meet." (Start 07:16:32) socialBridges. The near-future of AI: How will humans and AI interact in 5 years?, 2021
"The Life Cycle of an Algorithm: Agents and Agency in Predictive Policing", Automated Security: The Role of Algorithms, AI and Big Data in the Knowledge Production of International Security, ISA, Las Vegas/virtual, 2021
"Data Criticality in Predictive Policing", New Landscapes of Control: Risk and Prediction in Policing, Border Security and Radicalisation Prevention, ISA, Las Vegas/virtual, 2021
“Resilience and the Internet – Security In-Formation”, International Relations Conference Freiburg, University of Freiburg, Germany, 2020
“The Digitization of DNA”, Presentation and Roundtable Discussion at the Conference “New methods for using DNA in police work: What are the technical, legal and ethical challenges?”, The Nordic Committee on Bioethics, NordForsk and The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board, Oslo, 2020
"Police surveillance & algorithms: Socio-legal perspectives", 10th Norwegian Biometrics Laboratory Workshop, Norwegian Biometrics Laboratory at NTNU - Gjøvik, Norway, 2020
"Who connects the dots? Agents and agency in prediction algorithms", Digikomm 2019 & Berlin Science Week, Berlin, Germany, 2019
“I’m Not A Robot: Doing Internet Research with Hard-to-reach Populations”, 12th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, European International Studies Association, Prague, Czech Republic, 2018
“Doing and Mediating Critique”, 12th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, European International Studies Association, Prague, Czech Republic, 2018
“Prediction Algorithms”, Roundtable Discussion on The Politics of Visual Security Machines, 12th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, European International Studies Association, Prague, Czech Republic, 2018
“Predictive Policing and the Politics of Patterns”, Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology, 60th Research Seminar, Helsinki, Finland, 2018
“Predictive Policing and the Politics of Patterns”, Automated Justice: Algorithms, Big Data and Criminal Justice Systems - EURIAS-Workshop, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 2018
Open Discussion between Jared Cohen (CEO of Jigsaw, an incubator within Alphabet), Crown Princess of Norway Mette-Marit and select representatives from research and industry, Det Kongelige Hoff/The Royal House of Norway, Oslo, Norway, 2017
“Digital Technologies and the Politics of Patterns”, 10th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, European International Studies Association, Barcelona, Spain, 2017
“Drone/Body: the Drone's Power to Sense and Construct Emergencies”, International Studies Association, New Orleans, USA, 2015
“The Digitization of Resilience: Social media use and (self-)care after the 2011 Norway attacks”, Central and East European International Studies Association (CEEISA), Cluj, Romania, 2014
“Studying Resilience and Social Media: Relations as Method and Object”, International Studies Association, Toronto, Canada, 2014
“Encounters with the emergent: understanding resilience through affect”, European International Studies Association, EWIS, Izmir, Turkey, 2014
“Resilience Regulation and Networked Spaces”, ECOST-meeting-IS1003, Antwerp, Belgium, 2013
“Terror Threats, Data Protection and Human Security: A Shifting Interface in Norwegian Law?”, European Consortium for Political Research, Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2011
“Risk Governance and the Domain of Terror: A Deconstruction of Norwegian Threat Assessments”, European Consortium for Political Research, Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2011
“Terrorism and Security in Norway - Recent Developments in Law and Intelligence Governance”, CASIS Annual Conference 2011, Ottawa, Canada, 2011
For Workshop presentations, check Cristin.