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Grants & Prizes

Personal Prizes, Awards & Fellowships 


2023 The University of Oslo's annual Award for Young Researchers


2021 Listed by the Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium (NORA) as one of 50 female role models in changing the field of AI in Norway


2019 (with Simon Egbert and Matthias Leese) The article Predictive Policing and the Politics of Patterns received the 2019 Sir Leon Radzinowicz Prize awarded by the British Journal of Criminology and the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies.  


2019 Paid research fellowship, Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society (Weizenbaum Research Fellowship Program)


2019 Paid research fellowship, Centre for Advanced Security Theory (CAST), University of Copenhagen (NordSteva Mobility Fund)


2019 Department-internal funding for a collaboration with illustrator Magnhild Winsnes to visualize my research findings on how kids use secret codes; University of Oslo


2018 Department-internal funding for four research meetings about Critique and Critical Theory; University of Oslo


2008 Lieselotte Pongratz Stiftung Publication Grant for MA Thesis, based on nomination


2008 Übersee-Club in Hamburg, Visiting fellowship grant for a stay at PRIO, handed by the German Bundespräsident at the time Horst Köhler, based on nomination


Granted Projects

(with my involvement)


2022 Member in the The Norwegian Research School on Digitalization, Culture and Society (DIGIT), run by OsloMet


2021- Project: Digital DNA - The changing relationships between digital technologies, DNA and evidence [Digital DNA], Call: “Horizon 2020 Framework Programme ERC-2020-STG”, Funder: European Research Council, Role: Responsible Applicant, 16.358.121 NOK


2021- Project: Bodies of Evidence, Call: Young Researcher Talent, Funder: Norwegian Research Council, Role: Responsible Applicant, 6.152.000 NOK


2020-2021, Project: e-Topia: China, India and Biometric Borders, Call: Foreign Policy programme, Research Council of Norway, Role: Co-responsible applicant, 12.000.000 NOK


2020-2021, Project: Warring with machines: Military applications of AI and the relevance of virtue ethics, Call: Cultural Conditions Underlying Social Change, SAMKUL, Funder: Research Council of Norway, Role: Co-responsible Applicant, 14.083.000 NOK


2018-2019, Project: Critical Data Network [CDN], Call: Research Networks “Cultural Conditions Underlying Social Change, SAMKUL”, Funder: Research Council of Norway, Role: Responsible Applicant, 298.000 NOK


2014-present, Project: Nordic Center for Security Technologies and Societal Values [NordSteva], Call: “Nordic Centre of Excellence”, Funder: Nordforsk, Role: Co-responsible Applicant, 22.000.000 NOK for the entire consortium


2014-2017, Project: Communicating Risk in the Digital Age [DIGICOM], Call: Research Projects “Societal Security and Safety, SAMRISK II”, Funder: Research Council of Norway, Role: Co-responsible Applicant, 5.599.000 NOK for the entire consortium


2012-2017, Project: Negotiating Values: Collective Identities and Resilience after 22/7 [NECORE], Call: Research Projects “Cultural Conditions Underlying Social Change, SAMKUL”, Funder: Research Council of Norway, Role: Co-responsible Applicant, 8.950.000 NOK + 429.000 NOK top-up funding for the entire consortium

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