Projects & Memberships
2021-, Digital DNA - The changing relationships between digital technologies, DNA and evidence [Digital DNA], European Research Council, Starting Grant, Principal Investigator (at the University of Oslo)
2021-, Bodies of Evidence, Norwegian Research Council, Young Researcher Talent, Principal Investigator (at the University of Oslo)
2020-2021, e-Topia: China, India and Biometric Borders, Research Council of Norway, Foreign Policy programme, Senior Researcher (at the Peace Research Institute Oslo)
2020-2021, Warring with machines: Military applications of AI and the relevance of virtue ethics, Research Council of Norway, SAMKUL, Senior Researcher (at the Peace Research Institute Oslo)
2016-2021, Deviance and the Digital. Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law, University of Oslo
2018- 2019, Critical Data Network [CDN], Research Council of Norway, SAMKUL, Network Leader and Principal Researcher
2014- 2019, Nordic Center for Security Technologies and Societal Values [NordSteva], NordForsk Nordic Center of Excellence, Senior Member and Research Group Leader “Digital Matters”
2014- 2017, Communicating Risk in the Digital Age [DIGICOM], Research Council of Norway, SAMRISK, Workpackage Leader, Researcher
2014- 2016, Driving Innovation in Crisis Management for European Resilience [DRIVER], EU FP7 Project, Security call, Sub-project Leader and Principal Researcher
2012- 2017, Negotiating Values: Collective Identities and Resilience after 22/7 [NECORE], Research Council of Norway, SAMKUL, Workpackage Leader, Researcher
2011- 2014, Mastering the Value Function of Security Measures [ValueSec], EU FP7 Project, Security call, Researcher
2011- 2013, Decision Support on Security Investment [DESSI], EU FP7 Project, Security call, Researcher
2010- 2012, The Commercialization of Security in Europe [COSEPAR], Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Research Assistant
Membership of Scientific Societies
2021-, Den Norske Kriminalistforeningen
2021-, Society for the Social Studies of Science
2021-, International Studies Association
2020-, Surveillance Studies Network
2020-, International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Science of Biology
2017-2018, Mentoring program for female postdocs at Oslo University
2012-2015, Norwegian Network for Research on the 22nd of July, organized by the Norwegian National Committees for Research Ethics
2013-2015, Global Cyber Security Capacity Center, Oxford Martin School
2012, Living in Surveillance Societies, Cost Action
2011-2013, Research School on Peace and Conflict, Peace Research Institute Oslo