My background is in Criminology, Sociology and Cultural Studies and I am a professor at the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law, University of Oslo. With my work I seek to consolidate the field of digital criminology. In particular, I study data practices.
I work with qualitative research designs that combine theory with innovative angles and strong empirical components. This combination also shows itself in the range of groups I was allowed to interview and collaborate with, including intelligence officers, state officials, software developers and algorithm designers, as well as social media users who were exposed to terror attacks, hackers, artists and children.
In 2023 I received the University of Oslo's annual Award for Young Researchers
In 2020 my project Digital DNA was selected for funding under the ERC Starting Grant scheme.
In 2019 I received funding for Bodies of Evidence from the Research Council of Norway.
I am on the Editorial Board of Qualitative Research and the Nordic Journal of Criminology.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2023) Making Information Matter. Understanding Surveillance and Making a Difference. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2017) Resilience, Emergencies and the Internet: Security In-Formation. London, New York: Routledge.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2010) Ethnic Profiling and Counter-Terrorism - Examples of European Practice and Possible Repercussions. Berlin: LIT Verlag.
Special Issues
Kaufmann, Mareile (2020) Vocations, visions and vitalities of data analysis. Information, Communication and Society 23(14).
Kaufmann, Mareile, Leander, Anna and Nanna Bonde Thylstrup (2020) Pragmatic engagements with and from within the Internet. First Monday 25(5). First Monday's 25th Anniversary Issue.
Austin, Jonathan, Bellanova, Rocco and Mareile Kaufmann (2019) Doing and Mediating Critique. Security Dialogue 50(1) Security Dialogue’s 50th Anniversary Issue.
Kaufmann, Mareile and Julien Jeandesboz (2017) Politics and 'the digital'. European Journal of Social Theory 20(3).
Dunn Cavelty, Myriam, Kaufmann, Mareile and Kristian Søby Kristensen (2015) Resilience. Security Dialogue 46(1). The Introduction to this Special Issue was re-featured in Security Dialogue's collection Plagues, Peoples, Politics. published in relation to the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.
Journal Articles
Kaufmann, Mareile, Vestad, Maja (2023) Biology and Criminology: Data Practices and the Creation of Anatomic and Genomic Body ‘Types’. Critical Criminology (online first). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10612-023-09732-6
Kaufmann, Mareile (2022) DNA as in-formation. WIREs Forensic Science. Online First. https://doi.org/10.1002/wfs2.1470
Kaufmann, Mareile (2022). How to Gain Access: Connecting to Hard-to-Reach Participants Online [How to Guide]. SAGE Research Methods: Doing Research Online. https://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529607420
Kaufmann, Mareile (2021) This Is a Secret. Learning From Children’s Engagement With Surveillance and Secrecy. Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies 21(5): 424-437.
Kaufmann, Mareile, Grue, Jan (2021) Hva vi snakker om når vi snakker om digitaliseringens politikk. Mareile Kaufmann i samtale med Jan Grue. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift 38(1-2): 7-18.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2020) Vocations, visions and vitalities of data analysis. An introduction. Information, Communication & Society 23(14): 1981-1995. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118X.2020.1777320
Kaufmann, Mareile, Bonde-Thylstrup, Nanna, Burgess, J. Peter and Ann Rudinow-Sætnan (2020) Data Criticality. STS Encounters 11(1): Special Issue "The Data Moment".
Kaufmann, Mareile, Leander, Anna and Nanna Bonde Thylstrup (2020) Beyond cyberutopia and digital disenchantment: Pragmatic engagements with and from within the Internet. First Monday 25(5). https://doi.org/10.5210/fm.v25i5.10617
Kaufmann, Mareile (2020) Hacking surveillance. First Monday 25(5). https://doi.org/10.5210/fm.v25i5.10006
Kaufmann, Mareile and Meropi Tzanetakis (2020) Doing Internet research with hard-to-reach communities: methodological reflections about gaining meaningful access. Qualitative Research 20(6): 927-944. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468794120904898
Kaufmann, Mareile, Egbert, Simon and Matthias Leese (2019) Predictive Policing and the Politics of Patterns. British Journal of Criminology 59(3): 674–692.
This article received the 2019 Sir Leon Radzinowicz Prize awarded by the British Journal of Criminology and the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies as "the article that most contributes to knowledge of criminal justice issues and the development of criminology". It was also assessed by the University of Oslo's Forum for Law and Social Science as groundbreaking research. Here is a news item.
Austin, Jonathan, Bellanova, Rocco and Mareile Kaufmann (2019) Doing and Mediating Critique: An invitation to practice companionship. Security Dialogue 50(1): 3-19. 50th Anniversary Special Issue.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2018) “Now you see me - now you don’t!” – Practices and purposes of hacking online surveillance. Mediatization Studies 01/2018: 85-101. Special Issue “Surveillance, encryption and privacy”.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2018) Digital Data and Value. Governmental Risk-Narratives of Hacking in India and the US. Technoculture 8. https://tcjournal.org/vol8/kaufmann
Kaufmann, Mareile (2018) Kriminalitetskontroll eller sikkerhetspolitikk? Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift 35(1): 21-30.
Kaufmann, Mareile & Jeandesboz, Julien (2017) Politics and 'the digital': From singularity to specificity. European Journal of Social Theory 20(3): 309-328.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2015) Exercising emergencies: Resilience, affect and acting out security. Security Dialogue 47(2) 99–116.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2015) Das Unbekannte regieren: Risiko trifft Resilienz. Kriminologisches Journal 47(4): 264-278.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2015) Resilience governance and ecosystemic space: a critical perspective on the EU approach to Internet security. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space33(3): 512–527.
Abrahamsen, Eirik Bjorheim, Aven, Terje, Kaufmann, Mareile, Pettersen, Kenneth Arne & Tony Rosqvist (2017) A framework for selection of strategy for management of security measures. Journal of Risk Research 20(3): 404- 417.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2015) Resilience 2.0: Social media and (self-)care after the 2011 Norway attack. Media, Culture and Society 37(7): 972–987.
Dunn Cavelty, Myriam, Kaufmann, Mareile & Kristian Søby Kristensen (2015) Resilience and (in)security: Practices, subjects, temporalities. Security Dialogue 46(1): 3–14.
Sandvik, Kristin Bergtora, Gabrielsen Jumbert, Maria, Karlsrud, Jon & Mareile Kaufmann (2014) Humanitarian technology: a critical research agenda. International Review of the Red Cross96 (893): 219-242.
Sandvik, Kristin Bergtora, Gabrielsen Jumbert, Maria, Karlsrud, Jon & Mareile Kaufmann (2014) Technologie humanitaire: pour un programme de recherche critique [Humanitarian technology: a critical research agenda]. Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge, Sélection francaise 96(1): 179–204.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2013) Emergent self-organisation in emergencies: resilience rationales in interconnected societies. Resilience: International Policies, Practices and Discourses1(1): 53–68.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2013) Cyber-resiliens i EU. Internasjonal Politikk71(2): 274–283.
Book Chapters
Kaufmann, Mareile (2024) Digital Kriminologi. In: Lomell, H.M. and M-L Skilbrei (eds) Kriminologi. 2. Utgave. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 252-267.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2024) AI in Policing and Law Enforcement. In: Paul, R., Carmel, E. and J. Cobbe (eds) Handbook on Public Policy and Artificial Intelligence. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. 295-306.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2021) Hacking in Digital Environments. In: Adams, Paul C and Barney L. Warf (eds) Handbook on Media Geographies. Abingdon: Routledge. 49-59.
Kaufmann, Mareile, Leese, Matthias (2021) Information in-formation. Algorithmic policing and the life of data. In: Aleš Završnik & Vasja Badalič (eds) Automating Crime Prevention, Surveillance, and Military. Cham/New York: Springer. 69-83
Kaufmann, Mareile (2019) Who connects the dots? Agents and agency in predictive policing. In Marijn Hoijtink & Matthias Leese (eds) Technology and Agency in International Relations. London: Routledge. Chapter 7. 141 – 163.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2018) Programming and editing resilience? In: Henrik Syse (ed.), Norge etter 22. juli: Forhandlinger om verdier, identiteter og et motstandsdyktig samfunn. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. 177–191. (English Chapter in Norwegian Book titled: Negotiations on values, identities and a resilient society)
Kaufmann, Mareile (2018) The co-construction of crime predictions: Dynamics between digital data, software and human beings. In: Nicholas R. Fyfe, Helene Ingebrigtsen Gundhus & Kira Vrist Rønn (eds.) Moral Issues in Intelligence-led Policing. London, New York: Routledge. 143 – 160.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2016) The Digitization of Resilience. In: David Chandler & Jon Coaffee (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of International Resilience. London: Routledge. 106–118.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2016) Drone/Body – The Drone’s Power to Sense and Construct Emergencies. In: Kristin Bergtora Sandvik & Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert (eds.) The Good Drone. London: Ashgate. 168–194.
Book Reviews
Kaufmann, Mareile (2011) Review of Aradau, Claudia & Rens van Munster (eds) Politics of Catastrophe: Genealogies of the Unknown, Journal of Peace Research 48(5): 376.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2010) Review of Review of Jackson, Richard, Smyth, Marie Breen & Jeroen Gunning (eds) Critical Terrorism Studies: A New Research Agenda, Journal of Peace Research 47(4): 514.
Selected Reports
Syse, Henrik, Rojan Tordhol Ezzati, Marta Bivand Erdal, Kjersti Thorbjørnsrud, Tine Ustad Figenschou, Mareile Kaufmann, Odin Lysaker & Francis Steen (2017) Negotiating Values: Norway in the wake of July 22. PRIO Project Summary. Oslo: PRIO.
The Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Preparedness (2016) Risk in a safe society. Societal security. Meld. St. 10 (2016-2017). Oslo. [Contribution in the form of consultations]
Bergersen, Stine, Kaufmann, Mareile & Gerald Walther (2016). D91.3 - Ethical Procedures, Risks and Safeguards. FP7 Project DRIVER - Driving Innovation For Crisis Management For European Resilience.
Kaufmann, Mareile & Stine Bergersen (2014) Report on the Creations of Secondary Insecurities of Crisis Management,Deliverable 92.11. FP7 Project DRIVER - Driving Innovation For Crisis Management For European Resilience.
Kaufmann, Mareile & Stine Bergersen (2014) Report on Societal Costs and Negative Impacts on Society of Crisis Management,Deliverable 92.21. FP7 Project DRIVER - Driving Innovation For Crisis Management For European Resilience.
Kaufmann, Mareile & Stine Bergersen (2014) Identification of opportunities for positive societal impact of Crisis Management, Deliverable 93.1. FP7 Project DRIVER - Driving Innovation For Crisis Management For European Resilience.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2014) Planning for Ethical Approvals in Research, Deliverable 92.21. FP7 Project DRIVER - Driving Innovation For Crisis Management For European Resilience.
Bergersen, Stine, Kaufmann, Mareile & Merle Missoweit (2014) Ethical Procedures, Risks and Safeguards, Deliverable 91.3. FP7 Project DRIVER - Driving Innovation For Crisis Management For European Resilience.
Cas, Johann & Mareile Kaufmann (2012) System of Criteria for Security Decision-Making, Deliverable 2.6. FP7 Project DESSI – Decision Support on Security Investment.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2011) Decision Domains, Concepts and Trends relevant for Security Decisions, Deliverable 2.1. FP7 Project ValueSec - Mastering the Value Function of Security Measures.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2011) Framework for the Assessment of Methods and Tools, which address security decisions, Deliverable 3.1. FP7 Project ValueSec - Mastering the Value Function of Security Measures.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2011) Evaluation of Methods and Tools, and the required improvements, Deliverable 3.3. FP7 Project ValueSec - Mastering the Value Function of Security Measures.
Policy Briefs
Kaufmann, Mareile (2012) Resilience: A Stock-Taking. Key Characteristics and Implications for Human and Societal Security Policy. PRIO Policy Brief,12, Oslo: PRIO.
ARTE - "27 - Das Europäische Magazin": Überall Polizei - aber nirgends Sicherheit? (Police everywhere - security nowhere?) Roundtable/Interview.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2022) Overvåkningens ytterste grense er DNA-et ditt. Morgenbladet.
Gundersen, Martin (2021) Menn uten ansikt. NRKbeta. Brief interview integrated in the piece.
Myklebust, Jan Petter (2021) Interview: New EU law needed to protect universities from big tech. University World News.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2020) Interview: Ansiktsgjenkjennende kameraer holder nå vakt i gatene i Beograd. Teknologien skal gjøre oss tryggere, men mange er kritiske. NRK P2. Studio 2.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2020) Smittesporing – hvor er vi på vei? Dagsavisen.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2019) Partiet du blir anbefalt: NRKs valgomat-team reflekterer over algoritmenes makt. NRKbeta.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2018) Radio Interview on the 15th of March: Social media use during terror attacks. NRK Verdibørsen.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2017) Etter mennesket? Fra singularitet til særegenhet. Morgenbladet.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2016) Politikk og overvåking etter Snowden. NRK Ytring.
Blog Posts & Podcasts
Kuldova, Tereza (2022) Mareile Kaufmann on surveillance, hackers, secrecy and predictive policing. Podcast: Black Box.
Savič, Domen (2021) Mareile Kaufmann and the future of policing. Podcast: Citizen D/ DRŽAVLJAN D.
Kaufmann, Mareile, Åshild Kolås, Arijit Sen (2021) Corona Apps – Going Global. PRIO Blog Beyond the COVID Curve & Governance.
Trigg-Hauger, Indigo (2021) The Legacy of 9/11: "20 years past this, we're still at the beginning". With Kristian B. Harpviken, Kristin B. Sandvik, Bruno O. Martins and Mareile Kaufmann. Podcast: Peace in a Pod.
Kaufmann Mareile (2021) Teknologi, overvåkning, kritikk. Kriminologene. A podcast by Thomas Ugelvik. Live podcast held to introduce new students to the field of Digital Criminology and other themes.
Kaufmann, Mareile (2020) Performing Plurality in Academia. PRIO Blog "Research Politics"
Kaufmann, Mareile (2020) Corona Apps – Where Are We Headed? PRIO Blog "Beyond the COVID Curve"
Kaufmann, Mareile (2017) After Man? From Singularity to Specificity. PRIO Blog
Kaufmann, Mareile (2013) Ethical Challenges of Internet Research on 22/7. PRIO Blog
Kaufmann, Mareile (2022) Online Research and the Issue of Access. SAGE Research Methods. Videos.
Amnesty International at University of Oslo, Faculty of Law (2022) Mareile Kaufmann on Big Tech and Human Rights.
socialBridges, Mareile Kaufmann (2021) Predictive policing beyond tools. When data, tools and humans meet. (Start 07:16:32) The near-future of AI: How will humans and AI interact in 5 years?
Bioteknologirådet, Mareile Kaufmann (2021) DNA i politiarbeid (Start: 00:42:00) Bioteknologidagen 2021
Likestillingsombud, Mareile Kaufmann (2020) KI i domstoler og politiarbeid. (start: 2:08:01) Ombudets årskonferanse 2020 Kunstig intelligens i et likestillingsperspektiv
The House of Literature Oslo, Shoshana Zuboff and Mareile Kaufmann (2020) The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. A conversation between Shoshana Zuboff and Mareile Kaufmann.
Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board, Mareile Kaufmann (2020) The digitization of DNA evidence – What is at stake?
National Research Days, Mareile Kaufmann (2020) Digital Brains: Neurosciences, Philosophy and Law in Conversation.
Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology, Mareile Kaufmann (2019) Crime, Criminology and the Digital.
Collegium Helveticum, Mareile Kaufmann and Matthias Leese (2018): Predictive Policing and the Politics of Patterns.
Centre international de criminologie comparée CICC, Mareile Kaufmann (2016): How to understand the digital in criminological studies?